
Spotlight on Talent: The Pantomime Performance

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8 November 2023 – Last Saturday, three of our children, who are members of the pantomime club, performed at an event organized by the University of Mataram. Ridoan, Farizi, and Habib seemed to master the stage while performing in front of a large audience.

Their excellent acting entertained the guests, earning them a standing ovation. Impressively, Habib even managed to invite one of the guests to come forward and pantomime with him, showcasing his remarkable ability to engage with the audience.

Mr. Fandi, a teacher and pantomime trainer at Peduli Anak, commented, “By performing frequently, these children’s acting skills are honed. They become more adept at mastering the stage and communicating with the audience.”

The invitation to Peduli Anak’s pantomime group is also a testament to our children’s exceptional pantomime abilities. They can effectively fill an event and entertain guests very well.