
Peduli Anak Children Engage in Educational Fun with Novo Club and Taulebih

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8 May 2024 — In a delightful and educational day filled with enthusiasm and learning, the children of Peduli Anak Foundation had the opportunity to participate in a special event focusing on sex education and proper handwashing techniques, organized in collaboration with Novo Club, a dynamic student community under PT Paragon Technology and Innovative, and Taulebih, a platform dedicated to sex education and reproduction.

The event was attended by 38 enthusiastic children from grades 1 to 4. The day began with some light exercises, which brought smiles and energy to all the participants. This fun start set a happy mood for the rest of the day’s learning activities.

Following the energizing start, the Taulebih team took the stage to deliver an engaging and age-appropriate session on sex education. The children listened attentively and participated actively in the ensuing question and answer segment. After enriching their minds, the children were taught the vital skill of handwashing by the Novo Club team. Demonstrating proper techniques, the team emphasized the importance of hygiene in a fun and interactive manner, ensuring the kids understood and practiced each step thoroughly.

The event ended on a fun note with lots of games that helped reinforce what the children learned and brought plenty of smiles and laughter. Each child also received a small gift as a token of appreciation for their participation.

“We are incredibly pleased to see the positive response from the children and are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to their education in such a meaningful way,” said Salsa, the Novo Club representative.

Peduli Anak extends heartfelt thanks to Novo Club and Taulebih for creating such an enjoyable and informative experience for our children. We look forward to more collaborative and enlightening events that aid in the holistic development of the children under our care.