
The Learning Journey with Medical Student Volunteers

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7 July 2023 – We had the pleasure of warmly welcoming six incredible volunteers from late June to early July. These medical students from Ireland came to Peduli Anak to share their health knowledge and spread positivity. Georgina, Anna, Siofra, Nicola, Sarah, and Ailbhe organized many fun activities for two weeks!

They conducted health checks, taught the children about proper handwashing and hygiene, and even showed them the correct way to brush their teeth. But the most exciting part? The CPR and Heimlich Maneuver training! Our staff and teenagers eagerly participated, paying close attention and practicing these life-saving techniques with enthusiasm.

Sarah, one of our wonderful volunteers, shared, “We’re thrilled to share our knowledge with the children and staff here. First aid skills like CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver are important for everyone. They empower us to help in emergencies before professional assistance arrives.”

Not only did these lovely volunteers provide education and training, but they also conducted fundraising prior to their arrival. Thanks to their dedication, we were able to purchase essential medicines, clinic equipment, and hygiene kits to support our cause.

Their devotion and contributions have made a positive and lasting impact on the children and staff of Peduli Anak. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Georgina, Anna, Siofra, Nicola, Sarah, Ailbhe, and all the volunteers who generously shared their time and expertise. Your presence and support mean the world to us.