
Sustainable Projects


20 Aug’16 – Peduli Anak has been doing very well during its’ ten years existence. We have helped hundreds of children and have sent off our first children to University. Doing well, however, doesn’t mean we’re going to sit still.

One big project we’re currently working on is transitioning from the big shelters to smaller safe houses, mimicking real family setting. Inspired by SOS Children villages, we want to offer more family-based care to our children. Each safe house is a home for twelve children, who will have a mother and a father figure.

Several of our current caregivers are currently in training at SOS Children Village in Bandung to learn how to best offer family based care.

We’re also looking into how we can become more self-sustainable while at the same time creating meaningful work experience for our children. Ideas so far are a cafe, guesthouse or even a futsal field.

Are you interested to get involved and become our partner for one of these projects? Please get in touch!