
Mental Health Education with Indonesian Clinical Psychologists Association NTB

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24 September 2023 – The children at Peduli Anak were visited by the Indonesian Clinical Psychologists Association NTB. They came to provide valuable insights into mental health, aligning with the lead-up to World Mental Health Day on October 10th.

The event was enjoyable, with engaging activities designed to make learning about mental health fun. The children were divided into six groups, and they actively participated in discussions and interactive games. Afterward, representatives from each group presented their discussion results, showcasing a growing awareness and sensitivity to the subject.

Ms. Ismi, a psychologist at Peduli Anak and a member of the Indonesian Clinical Psychologists Association NTB, stated, “We are delighted to see the children’s enthusiasm. They also provided good answers to the questions we asked. Through this educational activity, we hope the children can better understand mental health.”

The success of this event reminds us of the importance of discussing mental health with young people. It’s not just about knowing; it’s also about having the tools to take care of our mental health. This event showed that children can understand and take care of their mental health.