
Family Koper Donates 25,000 Euro for a New House

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15 March’17 – Today on our Founder’s, Chaim Fetter, birthday, he received a very special birthday gift: a donation for the new safe house!

Peter Koper has committed to donate 25,000 Euro to our new family-based safe house where neglected and abused children can safely live in a family environment.

Peter Koper and his family have been a loyal supporter for Peduli Anak. In 2010, the family donated to build our Primary School. The school now has been running for more than 7 years and has received Grade A in National School Accreditation. In addition to substantial donations for buildings, the family who has successful construction business in the Netherlands, also organized annual concert for charity and fundraising for Peduli Anak and other notable charities in their home country.

The first safe house is projected to break the first stone in the second semester of this year.

The Family Koper House is sponsored by Family Koper & Propcon Golf Club, Jakarta.