
Familie Koper Goude Dagen Concert 2016

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1 Nov’16 – The girls did it again! We’re truly overwhelmed by their ongoing support towards Peduli Anak. As Elisa, Samara, Aleida and their parents and grandparents continue their support (over 5 years now!), we’re also happy to watch the girls grow to become smart, kind and beautiful young ladies. Exactly what we want our Peduli Anak girls to be!

In the annual Gouden Dagen Familie Koper concert, the girls volunteered to help around and put smile on their face and their yellow bucket in hand to persuade concert goers to donate to Peduli Anak. Their yellow bucket brought in € 669 to add in the proceeds from the tickets sale for Peduli Anak and make it a total of over € 2,100.