
Anda mensponsori Silviawati


  • Jenis Kelamin: Female
  • Tanggal Lahir: Lingsar, 25-12-2009

Silviawati or Silvi is neglected. Her parents split up when she was two years old. After that, her father left and never returned. Her mother remarried and also left her. Since then, Silvi has been living with her grandmother. However, her grandmother cannot earn enough to fulfill their needs. Without any support and old age, her grandmother could not take good care of Silvi, which forced her to drop out of school in her 4th grade of primary school.

Then, Silvi was referred to Peduli Anak to receive better care and continue her education.

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Total Donasi: US $ 0

Lombok (Kantor Pusat & Proyek)
Jalan Dharma Bakti, Langko, Lingsar
Lombok Barat, NTB 83371 Indonesia
+62 370 6171993
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Dorpsstraat 4
5298 CB Liempde
The Netherlands
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