
Anda mensponsori Saema


  • Jenis Kelamin: Female
  • Tanggal Lahir: Mataram, 24-01-2011

Saema is the first child in her family. She lives with her parents and siblings. They live in Duman Village close to the junkyard warehouse where both parents work. Her parents’ income is not much, just enough to meet Saema and her family’s meals. Both Saema’s parents start to work from 7 am and come home early evening. Saema frequently goes to her parents’ workplace to help them sort out the recycled trash. The unhealthy living condition near the junkyard and poor nutrition have made them prone to sickness. Therefore, Saema aspires to become a doctor. At Peduli Anak primary school, she likes to study Science and listen to children’s stories.


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Total Donasi: US $ 0

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