
Anda mensponsori Nopi Adlia Astuti

Nopi Adlia Astuti

  • Jenis Kelamin: Female
  • Tanggal Lahir: Torean, 20-08-2015

Nopi Adlia Astuti or Nopi is the youngest of six. She lived with her parents in a remote village which there is no transport to reach a school. Also, her small house was collapse due to two big earthquakes that hit the island two years ago. Then, she was referred to Peduli Anak so that she can be reunited with his four brothers.

At Peduli Anak, Nopi joined kindergarten. She likes to play with legos and swimming in the pool. Her dream is to be a doctor in the future.

Jumlah Donasi
Mulai dari
US $ 27.00 / bulan

Belum Disponsori

US $ 52.00 / bulan

Belum Disponsori

US $ 27.00 / bulan

Total Donasi: US $ 0

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The Netherlands
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