
Anda mensponsori Nepa Hikwanto

Nepa Hikwanto

  • Jenis Kelamin: Male
  • Tanggal Lahir: Sigerongan, 01-07-2016

Nepa Hikwanto or Nepa is the youngest child. He lived with his parents, who hardly make ends meet. His father has health problems and hardly earns enough for the family. Nepa’s mother tried to help with the problem, but it did not help much. Due to this difficult situation, Nepa is at high risk of being neglected and cannot go to school.

Then, Nepa was referred to Peduli Anak to get better care. He wants to join the army in the future. At Peduli Anak, his favorite activity is drawing.

Jumlah Donasi
Mulai dari
US $ 27.00 / bulan

Belum Disponsori

US $ 52.00 / bulan

Belum Disponsori

US $ 27.00 / bulan

Total Donasi: US $ 0

Lombok (Kantor Pusat & Proyek)
Jalan Dharma Bakti, Langko, Lingsar
Lombok Barat, NTB 83371 Indonesia
+62 370 6171993
Belanda (Kantor Representatif)
Dorpsstraat 4
5298 CB Liempde
The Netherlands
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