
Anda mensponsori Muhammad Ersan Riski

Muhammad Ersan Riski

  • Jenis Kelamin: Male
  • Tanggal Lahir: Maluk, 18-03-2012

Muhammad Ersan Riski, also known as Hasan, is the third child among five siblings. He lived with his father and his two younger siblings in a small rented hut. There were times when Hasan had to sleep on the street due to space constraints in the hut. His father, along with the entire family, works as scavengers. When he could not afford food, he resorted to collecting leftover food from the streets.

Due to these circumstances, Hasan was unable to continue his formal education. Then, he was referred to Peduli Anak to have better living conditions and continue his education.

Jumlah Donasi
Mulai dari
US $ 52.00 / bulan

Belum Disponsori

US $ 52.00 / bulan

Total Donasi: US $ 0

Lombok (Kantor Pusat & Proyek)
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+62 370 6171993
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5298 CB Liempde
The Netherlands
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