
Anda mensponsori M. Zaki Yadi Amrullah

M. Zaki Yadi Amrullah

  • Jenis Kelamin: Male
  • Tanggal Lahir: Duman, 15-08-2009

Zaki comes from a broken home family. After that, Zaki and his little sister lived with their father and grandmother. The life of Zaki and his family is not easy. His father hardly at home and always out working without a fixed income. Meanwhile, Zaki’s grandmother is too old to care for him and his sister. They have grown up without supervising and protection. After that, Zaki and his sister were referred to Peduli Anak.

At Peduli Anak, Zaki loves playing soccer. In the future, he wants to be a teacher.

Jumlah Donasi
Mulai dari
US $ 52.00 / bulan

Belum Disponsori

US $ 52.00 / bulan

Total Donasi: US $ 0

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The Netherlands
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