
Anda mensponsori Hafizan Al Jibran

Hafizan Al Jibran

  • Jenis Kelamin: Male
  • Tanggal Lahir: Mangsit, 28-12-2013

Hafizan is the youngest of two. His father passed away, and her mother is suffering from a light stroke. Due to this condition, his mother struggles to afford Hafizan needs. Therefore, he was referred to Peduli Anak. So he can go to school and lives decently.

At Peduli Anak, Hafizan likes to play with the other children.

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Total Donasi: US $ 0

Lombok (Kantor Pusat & Proyek)
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+62 370 6171993
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Dorpsstraat 4
5298 CB Liempde
The Netherlands
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