
Anda mensponsori Bunga Azizah

Bunga Azizah

  • Jenis Kelamin: Female
  • Tanggal Lahir: Wakan, 18-01-2005

Bunga Azizah grew up in a poor family living in a small house with dirt floor. Bunga is the youngest of four and her parents divorced a long time ago. Her father has no permanent job and her mother left Bunga and her sibling to work overseas. Before coming to Peduli Anak Bunga didn’t attend school.

Bunga and her brothers were then referred to Peduli Anak for better care and education. She’s now in Secondary School.

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Lombok (Kantor Pusat & Proyek)
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Dorpsstraat 4
5298 CB Liempde
The Netherlands
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