
Anda mensponsori Afan Halfan

Afan Halfan

  • Jenis Kelamin: Male
  • Tanggal Lahir: Hijrah, 24-08-2011

Afan is the youngest child of three from his already divorced parents from Sumbawa Island. Afan and his siblings live with their father. However, due to extreme poverty, Afan and his siblings are neglected, malnourished and didn’t have access to education. The Social Agency of Sumbawa referred Afan and his siblings to Peduli Anak.

After one month in Peduli Anak, Afan began to enjoy his new life and new friends. He’s rather shy and quiet, but he’s happy to play along with his peers. Afan is now in kindergarten and he loves his daily routines and learning new things everyday.

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