
Anda mensponsori Abdul Hayat Febrinanda

Abdul Hayat Febrinanda

  • Jenis Kelamin: Male
  • Tanggal Lahir: Lombok Timur, 11-02-2017

Abdul Hayat Febrinanda is an orphan. He was abandoned by his parents when he was still a baby and their whereabouts is unknown until today. We gave him a name and a new family in Peduli Anak. He is now a healthy and curious toddler. He joins our kindergarten class in the morning and loves to be cuddled by his big sisters and brothers in the foundation. He also loves his tricycle.


(August 2019)

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Total Donasi: US $ 0

Lombok (Kantor Pusat & Proyek)
Jalan Dharma Bakti, Langko, Lingsar
Lombok Barat, NTB 83371 Indonesia
+62 370 6171993
Belanda (Kantor Representatif)
Dorpsstraat 4
5298 CB Liempde
The Netherlands
[email protected]
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