
The Making of 12 Harapan – A New Promo Film

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18 Feb’18 – Good news! We just started the production of a new promo film, “12 Harapan” with Trish Pradana as Director and Audy Erland as cameraman. Trish who is a native Lombok and Audy from Bandung previously produced a film, Obituary (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoTw-I-NrsQ), about an undertaker who works at a Chinese funeral home in Lombok. We are blown away by the powerful message and the beautiful cinematography of the film. As a Lombok native himself, we believe Trish would be a great choice to tell a story about our children on screen. Therefore, we asked for his help to make a promo film about our new safe house and the 12 children who live in it.

“12 Harapan” means 12 hopes, hopes for 12 children who experience a change in their life from living in an institutional care home with big groups to living in a small group with a foster mother and thus creating life like a natural family in a home dedicated only to them.

For decades, care towards underprivileged children mainly focuses on institutionalising them in children’s homes. This type of care, while on a short term might solve a problem, takes away a nurturing environment that a child needs to grow to become a fully functioning adult. Peduli Anak Foundation aims to remove institutional practices and provide care modeled on that found in a traditional family home and create the warm, nurturing family that these children so desperately need.

With “12 Harapan” we want to create awareness about the importance for a child to live in in such environment and promotes the creation of children homes that nurture families, which we are now building.

We will keep you updated with the filming process and stay tuned for the premiere soon!