Bantu Klinik Gratis untuk Anak Yatim dan Anak Terlantar

Bantu Klinik Gratis untuk Anak Yatim dan Anak Terlantar

US $ 397.70 from US $ 3,092.06
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104 Donations
5 days left
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Disclaimer: Peduli Anak Foundation honors the donor’s request for this specific project or program whenever possible. When the funds collected exceed the amount needed during the agreed period, Peduli Anak Foundation will allocate the extra amount for other children in need. No goods or services are provided in exchange for your contribution. Peduli Anak Foundation maintains discretion and sole control over the use of all donated funds.
Every donation counts


Disclaimer: Peduli Anak Foundation honors the donor’s request for this specific project or program whenever possible. When the funds collected exceed the amount needed during the agreed period, Peduli Anak Foundation will allocate the extra amount for other children in need. No goods or services are provided in exchange for your contribution. Peduli Anak Foundation maintains discretion and sole control over the use of all donated funds.