
“Bullying or Teasing” Workshop for Children and Counselors

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7 January 2016 – A former intern of Peduli Anak, Laurens den Oudsten, came back to Peduli Anak after 3 years to share his knowledge again with us. Laurens, who is now an Applied Psychologist graduate from Hogeschool van Amsterdam, tailored 2 trainings for not only the counselors, but also for children.

Bullying has been a popular topic to discuss nowadays. It can happen anywhere from school to office and we want to stop or prevent it. According to Laurens, “Since there are many staff and children in Peduli Anak, it is important that we can differentiate between bullying and teasing.” This workshop will help counselors to observe and carefully identify children’s interactions so that counselors can respond or help accordingly.

Knowing the difference between teasing and bullying is an important social skill for children. They have to know when to say stop if an interaction with friends become disadvantageous for one party. It’s also very important that children know when to seek help from counselors when they think they’re a bully victim.